My word of the week this week is cooking.
We have been doing a lot of cooking this week with Princess, in the hope of inspiring a love of food, getting her to try new things, and breaking out of the rut that we have been in, of her wantting plain pasta with cheese every night for dinner.
We went to the library and got out some cook books, and sat down with Princess to look through them to choose what she might fancy trying. (The Ella's Kitchen one was great for this as the pictures are fantastic and every dish is pictured.)
We got her involved in making a list, and some of the shopping, as well as the cooking. So far this week she has made and eaten vegetable risotto, salmon fishcakes, chicken and vegetables stir fry and cupcakes, and has picked out a few more things to try.
She is also becomming more eager to look through the book and choose recipes, to start she didn't even want to do that!
So far, so good........